Not a summer person


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When did you first realize you were not a summer person?

Was it when you were ten, and for some reason the buzzing sound of the cicadas in the pine forest near your home exaggerated the summer heat?

Was it when you were tired out from running around the neighbourhood with friends, taking a washroom break, feeling sticky and getting frustrated when your underwear got all twisted when you pulled them down to pee? And again when you tried to pull them back up?

Was it when you were at the beach with older sisters, trying to eat a raspberry ice cream cone in the wind, the wind that blew sand all around and into your ice cream that now tasted like glass. Was it when you cried and sought shelter under a beach towel, cursing those biting particles?

And your sisters laughed.

Was it when you all arrived home to a depressed Mother who tut-tutted at the sunburn on your peaches and cream skin, then tried to smooth the biting pain by slathering on Noxzema cream.

I miss the smell of Noxzema.


Canada Reads 2021 starts March 8th


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I haven’t read much fiction lately, been occupied in my real life with reading for school and the day job. The last novel I read was in December.

I may listen to the radio broadcast, considering the panel of judges who will introduce and defend the books they chose.

You can too.


I can’t read


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This pandemic has affected us in so many ways. Each of us has struggled the past three months to cope with isolation, anxieties and fears.

One unfortunate outcome for me lately is that I can’t seem to sit still long enough to read a book. Of course, it might be related to my choice of books; I should just put one aside and try for another.

In my real-life, I used to read on the buses while commuting to and from the day job. I haven’t taken a bus since March 12th, when I lugged home my laptop with the approval of my Manager to perform remote work the following day.

Coincidentally, I had recently gone for medical tests for symptoms I thought were related to heart health and stress. My intuition was already telling me that sh*t was about to happen due to the reports of COVID-19 infections and deaths worldwide.

I am fortunate that I can perform my real-life IT work from home. I feel fortunate that I still have a paying job. I have my health. I am able to maintain contact with family and friends but cannot see them physically.

I am lonely. I am losing a sense of purpose.

I am at a loss since all public libraries shut down their physical access. Thank goodness they boosted online services and announced they would forgive overdue loans; they had to since they didn’t want people depositing books in the return chutes.

All the used bookshops shut down too, posting signs for patrons, and for people wanting to donate items to just keep them at home. I really miss the bookshop where I would volunteer most Saturdays. I miss the other volunteer friends, library staff and the regular patrons. A lot of the latter are Seniors, economically disadvantaged and physically challenged. I pray that they keep healthy and safe.

I don’t know if or when I will go back.


You can read other commentary, creative outbursts and deep thoughts by following the various paths at

The public library, your community, The Public


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As a volunteer in the local library system, I can relate to some scenes depicted in the movie trailer for The Public. 

I wonder if this is available on NetFlix Canada?

Listen to this interview with Emilo Estevez on CBC Q :

Emilio Estevez on The Public, a drama about the homelessness crisis and the importance of public libraries

Emilio Estevez joins q’s Tom Power to talk about his return to the big screen as the star, writer and director of The Public, a drama about a standoff between homeless people and the police that plays out in a Cincinnati library. The film premiered last fall at the Toronto International Film Festival and is available to watch now on demand.

During my volunteer shifts, I have observed the ragged conditions and quirks of visitors to our local library and other places in the community building.

I hope for a world where people have less addictions and mental illness and more people have a comfortable, safe place to go home to.

Thanks for dropping by.

Flo T


This is why we can’t have nice things


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I used to say that when the kids were young and rowdy. Now I mutter it because of the elderly cats who still live with me. 

My humble, sparse furniture needs covers and sheets to prevent their fur from embedding into the fibers. See also “Cat Lady Chic“.

cats on couches

What do you mean I have to let you wash this fur-enhanced chair cover?

black cat at laptop

Snuggles does his morning Cat on Lap thing

Miss Geneva Tabby was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes which requires special canned food ($$) and insulin shots twice a day.

At first I hesitated to go the insulin route due to my unease about giving needles to a cat. Now the biggest challenge is making sure she eats breakfast on time so I can give her the morning shot and catch my buses for the day job. This human still needs to work to make the money to pay for their creature comforts – and mine.

So much for spring travel plans due to this extra expense and need for daily attention.

So much for attending meetings or evening events to support local movements that strive to educate citizens about the need to protect sacred Indigenous sites.

So much for after-work dinner date opportunities. Damn but I can’t escape the Cat Lady designation!

Tabby Cat in front of house plants

Geneva Tabby after I administered my first insulin shot for her

I have inherited a moral, legal and financial responsibility and I intend to honor it. If caring for an elderly member of the family is my burden for a while, then so be it. This could be a teaching lesson, a lesson in patience and love.

Tabby cat on futon with Zen journal

She follows me when I escape to a quiet room for meditation

Me and my clingy, diabetic cat. Diabetic Cat. It has a lyrical ring to it, possibly for a poem or contemporary folk song?

Thanks for dropping by. Happy Year of the Pig, by the way. Wander over to Pampered Cats and Other Household Gods or try a sampling of my novel, “The Year of the Rabbit“.


Protecting sacred sites in Canada


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This is an opinion piece about rights to places of worship and protecting a sacred site in the Ottawa River. 

It’s Sunday morning. Where will you go to worship the almighty, to give thanks for creation? 

Many of us are relieved that we can choose to stay home on assigned days of worship, to offer prayers of thanks in private, that we don’t have to venture out to a church, mosque or temple.

What about those who want to visit a natural location, to make offerings to the Creator at a site held sacred for hundreds of years?

How would you feel if local and federal governments allowed that your place of worship and its surroundings be taken over by developers?

That is what has been happening through obfuscation of facts and irresponsible politics for many decades.

poster for creators first sacred pipe speakers panel October 7 2018


Historians and proponents for protecting Akikpautik and Akikodjiwan have performed extensive research to educate the politicians and the public by publishing timelines and writing letters to the editor of local newspapers.

“Although the Chaudière Falls and Islands are in Algonquin territory, the area was considered a neutral place where anyone could meet. People would come from huge distances. They would camp on the riverbank where the Canadian Museum of History is now, leave their weapons behind, and canoe to the Islands to gather in peace. It was a place of communications and governance. Enemies met here. It is a place without War, which may be unique in this world. This use ended with European settlement and industry, but that is just a moment in time.”


Do you want to learn more about this issue?

Please tell a friend about the October 27th event. 

Thank you,



Public services and mental health


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I volunteer in a used book shop near a local library branch.

This gives me a sense of purpose and community involvement. The local branch receives all sorts of visitors like families with young children, students, Seniors and adults performing genealogy research. These visitors and patrons often stop in the bookshop to browse, purchase items or even drop off book and CD donations. They acknowledge the work that we do and that the revenue goes back to support the library system.

These public services are essential in communities where low-income families and people with disabilities live. Libraries and related services are like a community hub, a place where people of all kinds can visit, learn and share. It is encouraging that many people are willing to protect the future of public libraries, that they should not be replaced by Amazon stores!

Drawing of a bookcase

My shift experiences can vary between bustling sales activities, sorting and pricing donations during slow periods, tidying the shelves and having conversations with patrons. The latter can range from mundane pleasantries, to book discussions, to philosophical debates. They can also result in lengthy monologues by pseudo-intellectuals who lack social graces and basic conversation skills.

I am learning from awkward experiences to identify which patrons participate in thoughtful discussions and which ones to steer clear of engaging in conversation other than providing them customer service niceties.

It is apparent that people with mental health issues are regular patrons of the public library and the used book shop. They deserve the right to services offered by the library and the right to browse and purchase items from the shop. They do not have the right to dominate a conversation or hold people captive with their lengthy monologues.

I almost want to suggest that they resort to Twitter or start a blog. That way, only the people interested in what they have to say will read, follow along, then provide the commentary.

Thanks for dropping by. Meaningful, relevant comments accepted 😉


A sweltering summer in the valley


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It’s mid-July in the Ottawa Valley. I am typing this at the dining table with a light towel under my laptop and sticky, sweaty forearms.

I miss the refreshing water and breeze of Georgian Bay. At least memories of the Bay compensated for the hot, sticky summers NOT being stuck in the city with a noisy air conditioner and fans for comfort.

Permit me to share with you an early excerpt from The Year of the Rabbit, one where Sera Fletcher begrudgingly attends the parish picnic with her family. Father Gio finds her moping off among trees by herself.

Parish picnic excerpt at the novel’s blog.

Consider obtaining a copy of the e-book:

  • No trees were harmed.
  • No rabbits were harmed either.
  • Go to where you can read or download a 20% sample then… purchase a copy in one of many supported formats. YOU, dear reader get to set the price. Smashwords recommends a 99 cent minimum.  I think that’s fair. You will need to create a Smashwords account. The way I see it, that will provide you with opportunities to discover and read works by more indie authors. 

Thanks for dropping by and … stay cool!